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Yanbing (Shirley) Fang

I had my undergraduate study at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in computational biology. During the coursework, I dedicated significant time to understanding the computational algorithm used by the software to enhance my knowledge base. This engendered my stronger interest in computer science and motivated me to take as many computer science classes as I could. I am very glad to be admitted by the Computer Science and Engineering master program of UC San Diego to continuously study and improve.

Backstage Management System for Yelp-Like Application

This is a relatively complicated project (for me :P). I am still working on it. Check out the blog for system design and documentation.
Spring Boot + MySQL + MyBatis + ElasticSearch + Kibana + Spark MLlib

Go Go Diet Web App

Course project for CSE170 Interative Design
A calorie-tracking app that provide easy ways to sustain a healthy diet such as recipes and diet planning

Check out this app on heroku
Check out the source code

COVID Tracker iOS App

An experimental project with lately released SwiftUI
Alamofire + SwiftJSON + MVC + MapKit

Check out the source code

Car Damage Detection Full-Stack Web Application

A computer vision project using CNN architecture to perform image recognition and feature extraction, including car damage location check, levels of damage severity check
VGG16 + Keras + pickle + Django

Check out the source code

Poem of the day

A simple Full-Stack web app practice for CS329e
jQuery + JavaScript + Bootstrap + Node.JS + Express + MongoDB

Check out the source code

Jianshu Clone Web App

A practice project for learning React and Redux. Jianshu-like content community app
React JS + Redux + Ant Design + webpack + React-Router + Immutable.js + axios

Check out the source code

PCAT: an integrated portal for genomic and preclinical testing data of pediatric cancer

A side-project while I was doing bioinformatics at Greehey Children Cancer Research Institute

Check out this data portal

Online Coffee Shop Order App

A personal project while taking CSE329e iOS development
Swift + Sketch + Firebase + SQLite + Realm + CocoaPods + Core Data

Check out the source code

Thanks for coming :3

Keep in touch!


La Jolla, California


+1 (111) 111-1111